
Development version

PktAnon v1.4.0-dev pktanon-1.4.0-dev.tar.gz
See the ChangeLog for what is new in this release.
Please note that this is a development version release! PktAnon is not yet in a final productive state, therefore care must be taken when releasing anonymized network traces. PktAnon comes with NO WARRANTY! Feedback and cooperation is highly welcome!
Installation instructions:
  1. Open a console
  2. Create a new folder:
    mkdir pktanon
    and download PktAnon into this folder.
  3. Unzip the tar.gz archive:
    tar xzf ./pktanon-1.4.0-dev-tar.gz
  4. Change into the new directory:
    cd ./pktanon-1.4.0-dev
  5. PktAnon depends on Boost and Xercesc 3.x which you have to install. If you are working with a debian-based system, type:
    sudo apt-get install libxerces-c-dev libboost-dev
    If you have no root user rights to perform this operation follow the instructions here to install Boost and Xerces as non-root user.
  6. Prepare the PktAnon system:
  7. Compile PktAnon:
  8. If you want to install PktAnon on your system, type:
    sudo make install
In the folder /profiles you will find different anonymization profiles that you can use with PktAnon.

Old versions

PktAnon v1.3.0-dev pktanon-1.3.0-dev.tar.gz
PktAnon v1.2.2-dev pktanon-1.2.2-dev.tar.gz
PktAnon v1.2.1-dev pktanon-1.2.1-dev.tar.gz
PktAnon v1.2.0-dev pktanon-1.2.0-dev.tar.gz